Pulmonology Clinic for Childhood Asthma in Thrissur
At Pulmonology Clinic for Childhood Asthma in Thrissur; (Dr Kurian Thomas Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur) both Children and Adults are getting treatment for Allergy and Asthma .
Paediatric cases form quarter of asthma cases seen here. It is noted by Dr Kurian Thomas at Pulmonology Clinic for Childhood Asthma Thrissur that Children are having more frequent Allergy and Asthma compared to adults . But by the time they reach 18 years majority of allergic illnesses in childhood , like Asthma , sneezing ,eczema and skin allergy either reduce in severity or disappear completely in children .
Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur mainly manages Allergies in Children on an outpatient basis. The main components of the treatment are educating the patient and parents to avoid all culprit allergens.
At Pulmonology Clinic for Childhood Asthma Thrissur ; for sneezing Nasal Sprays are the safest alone with tablets on a when required only basis .
For Asthma inhaled medications are best and 100% safe when used through a Spacer in Children.

Child and Parent Education Role in Asthma and Allergy Control .
Child and Parent Education Role in correct understanding about their disease is very crucial. The parents and children should learn about the cause for their asthma and Allergy and sneezing . They should learn about the common allergens which cause their disease. The allergen varies from each child to the next child . Even then there are some general precautions which are applicable in all Children With Asthma .
Precautions in Childhood Asthma .
- Avoid all types of Dust. exposure. most important dust is House Dust , House Dust Mite, Bedding dust, Dust from kitchen, cupboard , old cloth paper dust, Ration shop Dust and dust from Kitchen Storage area.
- Next important is dust from pet animals like Cat Dog , as well as insect Dust and droppings especially Cockroach Dust .
- Avoid exposure to weather change and rain
- Avoid all food which parents suspect is worsening symptoms in the child. THis often include food consumed directly from the fridge. Also some fruits, meat and vegetables are seen to cause symptoms.
- Avoid all preservative, coloring agent added food.
- If possible avoid tinned and packed food .
- A trial and error elimination of food is ideal .