Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Treatment Centre Thrissur
Pulmonology Asthma Allergy treatment Centre, Thrissur .
We have created a comprehensive treatment protocol .
Major disease in Pulmonology Asthma Allergy treatment world around is Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis or sneezing . This is why Dr Kurian Thomas started this Clinic exclusively dedicated for these two diseases. Our goal is to to alleviate the suffering of Asthma and Sneezing patients in Kerala. The clinic was started in Thrissur in 1989 .In our Thrissur Clinic; it’s main specialization is Asthma both adult and Childhood Asthma .
The Clinic also sees Allergic Rhinitis . We manage both Adult and Childhood sneezing also called Allergic Rhinitis.
Dr Kurian Thomas Pulmonology Professor also manage all other common pulmonary diseases also . Only diseases which can be managed on a outpatient or home based treatment are seen by this clinic .But almost 90% of all Pulmonary diseases can be cured without need for hospital admission .
Can you cure asthma ?
The peculiarity of almost all Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis patient is that they are fully controllable . This occurs as early as within 4 months or earlier . But , they are to be treated by a Specialist . Our specialist Professor Dr Kurian treats these patients ; purely on an OP basis .Our patients almost always do not require admission or injections. Even severe cases to start with are controlled fast . This is one reason why Dr Kurian Thomas is not attached to any hospital in Thrissur. We are confident to manage Asthma on an OP or home based management protocol . We see that there is no exacerbation .So they never need any hospital support in Thrissur or in their home town. This is a welcome change .
How do patients know they are controlled of their Asthma and Sneezing ?
Before starting treatment from our Clinic , our Asthma patients used to go to casualty or Emergency departments often. But they are fully controlled with no flareup now. We use the safest treatment and use mainly inhaled medications. So that the Medication go straight to the nose or lungs. There is no side effect as the medicine. It does not enter the blood or other parts.
Patient is taught the nitty gritty of allergy and allergen avoidance. So we are successfully offering these services for over three decades . At our facilities in Thrissur our results are excellent .We are now in the process of expanding our presence in around Thrissur and Kerala.

At Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Treatment Centre Thrissur 60% of our OP patients are having Asthma .This they are having for many years without control. So they come to our Clinic . this is because it is probably a unique Clinic in Kerala . The only Clinic dedicated for Asthma and Sneezing patients exclusively. Asthma is a disease that causes the airways to swell and get narrow. Asthma symptom which includes wheezing sound, chest tightness and dry cough is by this swelling in the airways. During an asthma attack, the muscles surrounding the airways tighten. The lining of the air passages swells. Less air is able to pass through as a result. Allergic Asthma is often seen in children more than in adults.

Allergic Rhinitis and Sneezing
Allergic Rhinitis also is seen in about 70% of patients attending Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur Kerala. Often Asthma and sneezing also called Allergic Rhinitis occur in the same patient together. The severity of each of these two diseases in the induvidual patient varies very much. Many have only Allergic Rhinitis with some overlap of eye itching and skin around the nose also itching. The response to Nasal Spray and Antihistamines is almost like a miracle cure. Correct treatment of Sneezing and other allergic diseases at the start of the disease itself is very important. This will help in early cure. It also helps in preventing Asthma in later life. Uncontrolled Allergic Rhinitis will often lead to Asthma afer a few years in many.

At Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur we manage all Lung disease cases on an Out Patient basis only. Other than Asthma and Allergy , we see also some cases of Food Allergy and Drug Allergy . The next common disease we manage is COPD especially if it is not very severe . Pulmonology Treatment is a medical specialty that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. It is also known as Chest diseases, respiratory medicine, or chest medicine in some countries and areas. Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine, and is related to intensive care medicine. In India we are the specialists for Tuberculosis also are 90% of TB cases are in the Lung called Pulmonary Tuberculosis. All other organ affection due to TB is together called Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis.