Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur Patient Education Video 6
Pulmonologist Thrissur Patient Education Video by Dr Kurian Thomas Professor
This is Dr Kurian Thomas Professor and Pulmonologist Thrissur . His Patient Education video 6 is the concluding episode . It aims to dispel the Myths about Asthma and Allergy. At Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur Educational materials are give to all patients by Dr Kurian Thomas Pulmonologist and Professor Thrissur . Patients are mainly taught about the disease so that they know about the “why ? ” of each medication and each test done in the Clinic .Education and dispelling the myths about Asthma and Allergy is very important. Then only patients adhere to the treatments for a few months . This is achieved as patients are under one- to – one contact directly . It is under the care of Retired Professor Dr Kurian Thomas . Asianet TV Channel had broadcast an interesting Live Programme . It is about Asthma Allergy and its management by Dr Kurian .
This is the third Part. In this Dr Kurian Thomas is taking Calls live from patients across the globe. There are a lot of misconceptions about asthma and allergy and its management. Some adults with smoking mistakenly think that they have asthma. But it is not correct. They have to stop smoking . Then they can use inhalers also. Some have severe sneezing but are afraid about nasal spray. Best treatment for allergic Rhinitis is Inhalers.
Anti-inflammatory Inhalers are miracle medications . They work for both nasal and wheezy symptoms. In conclusion Asthma patients should feel relieved that this is such an eminently controllable disease.
Pulmonologist Dr Kurian Thomas Thrissur Patient Education video by Asianet has changed the outlook about asthma among Malayalee across the globe . Video is the ideal medium for patient compared to audio and . Also pictures are much more better than words written and read . Being a teacher this episode is worth watching for both patients and parents alike.

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