Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur Kerala
Dr Kurian Thomas Pulmonary Medicine Professor
PULMONOLOGY ASTHMA ALLERGY CENTRE Thrissur Kerala has been treating all types of Lung diseases in Thrissur for 32 years .The Clinic is managed under the expertise of DR KURIAN THOMAS . Dr Kurian Thomas is one among the best Pulmonologist in Thrissur and in Kerala . He is also one of the Senior most among the Retired Professor from Government Medical College Thrissur He is one of the senior most as well in the whole of Kerala.
For 33 years the Clinic has been managing asthma allergy and Pulmonary Diseases . Patients are reporting back ; with excellent control . Patients from all over Thrissur District come to the Clinic . Also patients from neighboring Districts of Malappuram, Kozhikode , Ernakulam and Palakkad are seen in the Clinic .As this clinic is unique for Asthma and Allergy exclusive care with excellent patient cure ;patients from all over Kerala are also coming to the Clinic . it was started since 1989 .It is the vision of Professor Dr. Kurian Thomas that Asthma and Allergy patients and most Lung Diseases can be fully controlled by specialist care . This can be achieved on a fully OP based treatment .This is very easily .But only if they get specialized Pulmonology care. The patient and Doctor have to work like a team .
Dr. Kurian Thomas ,Professor of Pulmonary Medicine .
Best Pulmonologist Thrissur
Dr. Kurian Thomas is holding MBBS, MD, DTCD , DNB . Doctor has 20 years experience as teacher and Clinician . He was the Head of Department in many leading Government Medical College Chest Diseases Department .Now the department is known as Pulmonary Medicine Department of Medical College hospitals of Kerala . Dr Thomas was Professor Pulmonology ( Pulmonologist and Asthma Allergy and Chest Specialist ) in Medical College , Thrissur. ; at time of Retirement .
Dr Kurian has extensive teaching experience in Pulmonary Medicine department in Medical College Thrissur . Professor has taught in other Medical Colleges in Kerala also for over 20 years. In 32 years he has come to represent one of the best Pulmonologist Thrissur. Doctor has also actively participated in conferences on Asthma Allergy and pulmonary diseases . He is a leading Lung Disease specialist and was a senior faculty member among the various Departments of Medical Colleges of Kerala Government .
He is a renowned best Chest Disease Specialist in Government Medical College and teaching and clinical circles. This helps us to deliver best quality services to our patients, in the field of Allergy & Asthma. Beside this, his interest in patient education and patient motivation has given us a holistic approach toward treatment .
Pulmonology Centre Thrissur Specializations .
Dr Kurian Thomas specializes in asthma ,allergy and immunity related problems . Clinic sees many other Lung Disease as well as Pulmonology problems. He has already had 32 years of exclusive practice in Thrissur .Main diseases he deals are Allergic Rhinitis ,Sneezing and Various forms and types of Asthma . This include Childhood Asthma ,Cough like Asthma ,and Severe forms of Asthma . Approximately he has done about 4 Lakh patient – doctor consultations mainly in this Clinic ; if you add the consultations in Medical college OP and In patients. He has been in this Specialty of Pulmonology since 1983 ; when he started his training at TB Sanatorium Thiruvananthapuram.
Tests done in Lung Disease Patients .
Tests are kept to a minimum. X Ray Chest is not needed in most patients . We also do not do routine Blood tests . They do not provide much value compared to a detailed questioning of the patient and examination of the patient . For Asthma and Allergy patient only two main tests are done . These are available in the Clinic itself and performed by the Professor himself.
PFT Test .

Our Values & Goals
To be The best Pulmonologist Thrissur
To daily improve the quality and quantity of our services. Thus to become the Best Pulmonology Clinic in Thrissur and Kerala. Provide best specialized care to all Lung disease and Asthma Allergy Patients in Thrissur. Also serve patients from other districts around Thrissur and Kerala.
- To provide best treatment for Pulmonology diseases and patients . Give quality care to both Adults and Children . Give best care to those suffering from asthma, allergy and related disorders in Thrissur. Also give service to nearby Districts of Malappuram, Palakkad, Ernakulam and Kozhikode, Kerala .
- Provide our patients high quality medical care . All patients to be seen by one of the Senior most Pulmonology Professor Dr Kurian Thomas.
- Bring to the service of each patient Professor’s 40 years of experience in Government medical College .
- Be the best Asthma Allergy dedicated Practice Clinic in Thrissur . Also be at the service to all and whole of Kerala.
- Interact with each patient with dignity, respect and kindness and in a friendly and efficient way.
- To give preventive and outreach programs to create awareness about allergy related disorders in and around Thrissur by medical Camps .