Nasal Spray for Allergic Rhinitis Treatment

Allergic Rhinitis treatment in Thrissur by Nasal Spray ,
Dr Kurian Thomas Pulmonology Centre Thrissur explains .
The cornerstone of Allergic Rhinitis treatment in Thrissur Asthma Allergy Centre is nasal Spray . Allergic Rhinitis or allergic sneezing can often lead to Asthma . This is after a varying time of a few years to 10 years. So we have to get speedy cure of Allergic sneezing at the start itself .This is to prevent asthma occurring in these patients . The best treatment for Allergic Rhinitis or allergic sneezing is to directly spray medications into the nose .These medications prevent development of inflammation in the nose . Best is anti-inflammatory nasal Spray into both nose. This also prevents progression of Allergic Sneezing to Asthma in later years.
- The medication directly reaches the nose, the area of the disease . Medicine does not enter into your blood; as with tablets which are swallowed . So effect at the nose is fast. Side effects are almost absent . The medicine requirement is only 20% of tablet form.
- No sedation of other tablets which are used for sneezing .
- Patient is always alert and need not worry about sedation . There is no drowsiness even when doing alert work.
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