Pulmonology diseases Centre in Thrissur is under the able guidance of Dr Kurian Thomas Professor of Pulmonary Medicine Retired . We manage the following diseases. Main among them managed at our Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur include all common Lung diseases which can be dealt on an outpatient basis . Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis and COPD patients are the commonest OP Patients .
This specialty Clinic deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. It is also known as , Pulmonary medicine, or chest medicine in most countries and in English speaking nations . Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine. It is related to intensive care medicine . Our Clinic is actually a subspecialty and more focused on Asthma and Allergy .We manage especially Allergy of nose with sneezing and running nose. This disease is also called as Allergic Rhinitis. COPD or smoking associated cough and wheeze and breathlessness also is dealt in the Clinic . This is especially in the early stages of COPD .
Now the Covid Pandemic in full rage in Kerala . Because of this Pulmonology diseases Centre in Thrissur sees many patients coming after their Covid symptoms are over . They come to checkup with us. They are often normal with no symptoms ; but afraid. They doubt whether the Covid has damaged their Lungs. They feel breathlessness. We test them with PFT and X Ray Chest PA view .Almost all of them are very normal. So the breathlessness is due mainly because of their fear. Because we deal with the major allergic diseases of Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis ; our specialty also sees a lot of patients with food Allergy, skin allergy and also drug allergy. Many Centre do Immunotherapy .But at Pulmonology diseases Centre in Thrissur we has stopped it; as much easier methods to control Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis are now available.
For Pulmonary diseases at Thrissur Clinic ; we at Asthma Allergy Centre believes that the first step to cure these diseases, is accurate diagnosis of the disorder. Investment in the latest medical and diagnostic equipment along with up gradation of skills of personnel is always ensured in our Clinic . The PFT test is performed by Dr Kurian Thomas himself.
Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) is a complementary to our evaluation of the respiratory system by Dr Kurian Thomas himself ; including patient history, physical examinations, chest x-ray examinations when needed , arterial blood gas analysis or SpO2 measurement , and tests of pulmonary function.
The primary purpose of pulmonary function testing is to identify the severity of pulmonary impairment. Pulmonary function testing has diagnostic and monitoring therapeutic response . This test helps clinicians answer some very important questions about patients with lung disease. PFT’s are normally performed by a specialist technician but in our Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur ; the test are done by Dr Kurian Thomas Professor himself . This adds on to the accuracy and interpretation of the result .
FENO TEST ( Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide Test )
This test is complimentary to evaluation of Patients with Asthma and Allergy . First an assessment is done by Dr Kurian Thomas by questioning the patient about the illness and by examination of the patient .
The test Consists of the Patient blowing out air into a Computerized Hand Held Sensor device which will detect the ppb of Nitric Oxide in the Patients Exhaled Breath. The value gives an important assessment of the inflammation or damage which is their in patient’s Lung and nose . In patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma it will be very High at start of our treatment . When we repeat the FENO test after a few months ; we can see the rapid improvement. Then we can Step down The Treatment slowly.