FOR BOOKING 9446333433
Pipeline Road, Mylipadam, Thrissur,Kerala

Adult Asthma and Allergic Diseases of Airways . Asthma , Allergic Rhinitis and Sneezing

Pulmonology Centre Thrissur  Asthma Allergy treatment .

Pulmonology Centre Thrissur Asthma Allergy treatment is  managed by Dr Kurian Thomas Retired Professor of Pulmonary Medicine ,Government Medical College. The treatment is  on a purely Clinic OP based consultation.

This is is a super focused Clinic for just  Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis management ;both in Adults and in children  . 


Asthma is an  often long lasting, but easily controllable  swelling  and inflammation  of our pulmonary airways. In Asthma our lung  airways narrow and swell . This leads to cough, breathlessness and  wheezing episodes . There is also production of  more sputum or mucus than normal. This makes our breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breathlessness.

 Symptoms of Asthma .

  • Recurrent episodes of wheezing
  • Troublesome cough at night
  • Cough, wheezing, chest tightness after exposure to airborne allergens or pollutant
  • Cough or wheeze after exercise
  • Common Cold go to the chest or takes more than 10 days to clear

Since these symptoms could occur due to the other causes like COPD and many more Pulmonary Diseases also, a Pulmonologist would have to confirm the diagnosis by PFT testing and FENO testing.

Common Asthma Allergy Triggers include 

  • Dust Mite
  • Pollens from grass, trees ,plants and flowers
  • Indoor moulds
  • Smoke
  • Smell
  • Viral infection
  • Exercise
  • Weather change
  • Temperature change
  • Cockroaches
  • Infection in upper airway, nose, throat.

Allergic Rhinitis or sneezing

Allergic Rhinitis is more common but less of a problem for the patient for two reasons.

  1. Its suffering is much more mild.
  2. It is very easily fully cured by 2 to 3 months of Nasal Spray which is very safe and doesn’t  enter  the body or blood .

At Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur ; when we analyzed Kerala data from the last 27 years; it  shows that in Thrissur, Ernakulam, Kochi , Palakkad, Kozhikode and Malappuram ; allergy and asthma is becoming not only more frequently seen but also more severe in many patients. The prevalence of Allergy type asthma is increasing in Kerala. From our clinic records, we extrapolate that almost 40% of children and 10% of adults have some form of Allergy and Asthma .This is agreed by most Pulmonologists from Thrissur and Kerala. Allergic disease commonly seen together are Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis or sneezing . Allergy in humans also include;

Food Allergy.

The commonest Food Allergy we see in our Pulmonology Clinic skin rashes which are reddish ,itchy and which feels warm to touch.  Some times it may extend to all over face , body and lips with general symptoms like vomiting giddiness and suffocation to breath . This is called Urticaria , angioedema . Patients will have to go to an Emergency Department of the nearest Hospital depending on the severity of the present attack , and what happened during similar attacks previously . At Asthma Allergy Pulmonology Centre Thrissur , being an OP Clinic we cannot manage it during attacks. We give detailed instruction to such patients as to how to avoid such attacks by diet planning , and keeping a food diary to track the precipitating allergic Food.

Drug Allergy . 

Many Allergic patients develop allergic reaction to various chemicals and drugs which they consume ;both Allopathic medications and other indigenous medications. This can vary from mild skin itching , to severe urticaria and angioedema .  

Urticaria and Skin Allergy.

Allergic skin diseases are a complex subject. We mainly see only skin allergy of the urticaria type, as they is a purely Allergen induced problem, often due to Food. Avoidance of the offending agent is the best and often only solution.

Pulmonology Centre Thrissur Allergy treatment for Asthma and Rhinitis
Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Centre Thrissur Sneezing information
Pulmonology Asthma Allergy Cnetre thrissur .Sneezing Factsheet